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neonrvm is an open source machine learning library for performing regression tasks using RVM technique. It is written in C programming language and comes with bindings for the Python programming language.

neonrvm was born during my master's thesis to help reduce training times and required system resources. neonrvm did that by getting rid of multiple middleware layers and optimizing memory usage.

Under the hood neonrvm uses expectation maximization fitting method, and allows basis functions to be fed incrementally to the model. This helps to keep training times and memory requirements significantly lower for large data sets.

neonrvm is not trying to be a full featured machine learning framework, and only provides core training and prediction facilities. You might want to use it in conjunction with higher level scientific programming languages and machine learning tool kits instead.

RVM technique is very sensitive to input data representation and kernel selection. You might consider something else if you are looking for a less challenging solution.

Building neonrvm

You can build neonrvm as a dynamic or static library; or manually include neonrvm.h and neonrvm.c in your C/C++ project and handle linkage of the required dependencies.

A C99 compiler is required in order to compile neonrvm, you can find one in every house these days. You also need CMake to configure and generate build files.

neonrvm requires a linear algebra library providing BLAS/LAPACK interface to do its magic. Popular ones are Intel MKL, OpenBLAS, and the reference Netlib LAPACK. OpenBLAS is almost as fast as Intel MKL, and unlike competition it doesn't require you to go through a lengthy registration process.

C library

Please run the following commands inside the source directory to build the library and examples:

$ git clone
$ cd neonrvm
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --config Release

It is recommended to use CPack (bundled with CMake) to create a nice installer for your preferred platform. For example to build a .deb package, you should run:

$ cpack -G DEB

Python bindings

Python bindings can be installed from the source package using Flit Python module by simply running:

$ flit install

or from PyPI software repository using following command:

$ pip install neonrvm

Using neonrvm

Congratulations, you survived the build process! Following are general tips and steps in order to train your model and perform predictions using neonrvm.

At this point it's a good idea to grab the original RVM paper and other related papers to get a feeling of inner workings of the RVM technique and different parameters. Please have a look at example.c and for working sample codes.

In order to keep repetitions in this document lower, Python bindings are briefly documented. Errors reported by the library, will be raised as exceptions in Python.

Sparse Bayesian Models (and the RVM)

Data preparation

This is the most important step in machine learning, and performance of your model totally depends on it. Some general tips includes:

  • Cleaning your data set from suspicious and wrong data
  • Feature engineering and giving more hints to the model
  • Normalizing and scaling input data
  • Randomizing input data order

There is definitely more to that list, and it's strongly recommended to spend more time on studying and preparation of input data than selection and tweaking of the machine learning method. pandas and scikit-learn are your best friends for data preparation if you are familiar with Python programming language.

Design matrix preparation

Design matrix is a 2D matrix with m rows and m columns, with m being equivalent to the number of input data samples. There is usually a column consisting of 1.0 appended to that matrix to account for bias, which makes it m*(m+1) or m*n, with n representing the number of basis functions.

In plain English, basis functions show us how much close and similar input data are to each other. And a kernel function decides how much similar our input data are. Selection of the kernel function depends on the problem at hand, and you can even mix multiple kernel functions together.

An RBF kernel with suitable parameter usually gives satisfactory results. Our old buddy scikit-learn is there again to help you with a wide selection of kernel functions and optimizing their parameters.

Before passing your design matrix to the neonrvm, make sure that it's stored in column major order in memory. neonrvm will automatically append an extra column for bias to the design matrix during training process, so you just need to prepare a 2D m*m matrix.

Creating training cache

neonrvm_cache structure acts as a cache for storing a couple of intermediate training results and allows us to reuse memory as much as possible during learning process.

🚀 C/C++

You can create one using neonrvm_create_cache function described below:

int neonrvm_create_cache(neonrvm_cache** cache, double* y, size_t count)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬆️ [out] cache: Pointer which it points to will be set to a freshly allocated structure.
  • ⬇️ [in] y: Data set output/target array, a copy will be made of its contents.
  • ⬇️ [in] count: y array elements count.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.

Once you are done with neonrvm_cache structure and finished training process, you should call neonrvm_destroy_cache to free up allocated memory.

int neonrvm_destroy_cache(neonrvm_cache* cache)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] cache: Memory allocated for this structure will be released.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.

🐍 Python

You simply need to create a new Cache instance, no need for manual memory management.

class Cache(y: numpy.ndarray)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] y: Data set output/target array, a copy will be made of its contents.

⬅️ Returns

  • A new Cache instance.

Creating training parameters

neonrvm_param structure deals with training convergence conditions and initial values.

🚀 C/C++

Use neonrvm_create_param function to create one:

int neonrvm_create_param(neonrvm_param** param,
                         double alpha_init, double alpha_max, double alpha_tol,
                         double beta_init, double basis_percent_min, size_t iter_max)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬆️ [out] param: Pointer which it points to will be set to a freshly allocated structure.
  • ⬇️ [in] alpha_init: Initial value for alpha. Must be a positive and small number.
  • ⬇️ [in] alpha_max: Basis functions associated with alpha value beyond this limit will be purged. Must be a positive and big number.
  • ⬇️ [in] alpha_tol: Training session will end if changes in alpha values gets lower than this value. Must be a positive and small number.
  • ⬇️ [in] beta_init: Initial value for beta. Must be a positive and small value.
  • ⬇️ [in] basis_percent_min: Training session will end if percentage of useful basis functions during current training session gets lower than this value. Must be a value in [0.0, 100.0] range.
  • ⬇️ [in] iter_max: Training session will end if training loop iteration count goes beyond this value. Must be a positive and non-zero number.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.

Once you are done with neonrvm_param structure and finished training process, you should call neonrvm_destroy_param to free up allocated memory.

int neonrvm_destroy_param(neonrvm_param* param)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] param: Memory allocated for this structure will be released.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.

🐍 Python

A new Param instance should be created:

class Param(alpha_init: float, alpha_max: float, alpha_tol: float,
            beta_init: float, basis_percent_min: float, iter_max: int)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] alpha_init: Initial value for alpha. Must be a positive and small number.
  • ⬇️ [in] alpha_max: Basis functions associated with alpha value beyond this limit will be purged. Must be a positive and big number.
  • ⬇️ [in] alpha_tol: Training session will end if changes in alpha values gets lower than this value. Must be a positive and small number.
  • ⬇️ [in] beta_init: Initial value for beta. Must be a positive and small value.
  • ⬇️ [in] basis_percent_min: Training session will end if percentage of useful basis functions during current training session gets lower than this value. Must be a value in [0.0, 100.0] range.
  • ⬇️ [in] iter_max: Training session will end if training loop iteration count goes beyond this value. Must be a positive and non-zero number.

⬅️ Returns

  • A new Param instance.

Training the model

neonrvm_train function requires a pair of training parameter structures, one for just getting rid of pretty useless basis functions, and another one for polishing the training results. In the first one you usually want to keep majority of basis functions, while in the last one you want to reduce number of basis functions as much as possible in order to achieve a more general and sparse model.

By choosing a batch size value smaller than total input basis function count, the model will be trained incrementally using the first training parameter structure, and will get polished using the last training parameter structure in the end.

neonrvm has been carefully designed to handle multiple training scenarios. Different scenarios are discussed below:

A) Optimizing kernel parameters

During this period one needs to rapidly try different kernel parameters either using an optimization algorithm (Hyperopt to the rescue) or brute force method to achieve optimal kernel parameters. Make sure that the optimization algorithm can deal with possible training failures.

In this case users need to use small batch sizes, and training parameters with more relaxed convergence conditions. In other words, a highly polished and sparse model isn't required.

B) Finalized kernel parameters and model

When you are finished with tuning kernel parameters and trying different model creation ideas, you need access to the best basis functions and finely tuned weights associated to them in order to make accurate predictions.

You need to throw bigger training batch sizes at neonrvm, and use training parameters with low basis function percentage and high iteration count for the polishing step in this case.

🍔) Big data sets

Memory and storage requirements do quickly skyrocket when dealing with large data sets. You don't necessarily need to feed the whole design matrix to the neonrvm all at once. It can also be fed in smaller chunks by loading different design matrix parts from disk, or simply generating them on the fly.

neonrvm allows users to split the design matrix and perform the training process incrementally at higher level through caching mechanism provided. You just need to make multiple neonrvm_train function calls and neonrvm will store the useful basis functions in the given neonrvm_cache on the go.

It is a good idea to group together similar data using clustering algorithms, and feed neonrvm with a mixture of them incrementally.

🚀 C/C++

Alright, now that we covered the different use cases, it's time to get familiar with the neonrvm_train function:

int neonrvm_train(neonrvm_cache* cache, neonrvm_param* param1, neonrvm_param* param2,
                  double* phi, size_t* index, size_t count, size_t batch_size_max)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] cache: Stores intermediate variables and training results.
  • ⬇️ [in] param1: Incremental training parameters.
  • ⬇️ [in] param2: Final polish parameters.
  • ⬇️ [in] phi: Column major design matrix, with row count equivalent to the total sample count, and column count equivalent to the given basis function count. A copy of useful basis functions will be kept inside the training cache.
  • ⬇️ [in] index: Basis function indices, a vector with elements count equivalent to the given basis function count. A copy of useful basis function indices will be kept inside the training cache. Must be a vector of positive numbers, and shouldn't contain any value equal to the SIZE_MAX, which is used internally to identify bias index.
  • ⬇️ [in] count: Number of basis functions given. Must be a positive non-zero number.
  • ⬇️ [in] batch_size_max: Maximum number of basis functions in every incremental training session. Must be a positive non-zero value.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.
  • NEONRVM_LAPACK_ERROR: When LAPACK fails to perform factorization or solve equations.
  • NEONRVM_MATH_ERROR: When NaN or numbers show up in the calculations.

🐍 Python

def train(cache: Cache, param1: Param, param2: Param,
          phi: numpy.ndarray, index: numpy.ndarray, batch_size_max: int)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] cache: Stores intermediate variables and training results.
  • ⬇️ [in] param1: Incremental training parameters.
  • ⬇️ [in] param2: Final polish parameters.
  • ⬇️ [in] phi: Column major design matrix, with row count equivalent to the total sample count, and column count equivalent to the given basis function count. A copy of useful basis functions will be kept inside the training cache.
  • ⬇️ [in] index: Basis function indices, a vector with elements count equivalent to the given basis function count. A copy of useful basis function indices will be kept inside the training cache. Must be a vector of positive numbers, and shouldn't contain any value equal to the SIZE_MAX, which is used internally to identify bias index.
  • ⬇️ [in] batch_size_max: Maximum number of basis functions in every incremental training session. Must be a positive non-zero value.

⬅️ Returns

  • Nothing that I'm aware of.

Getting the training results

After successful completion of training process, training results including useful basis function indices and their associated weights can be queried using neonrvm_get_training_stats and neonrvm_get_training_results functions.

You should first get the useful basis functions count, and then allocate enough memory for the basis function indices and weights vectors so neonrvm can fill them for you.

🚀 C/C++

int neonrvm_get_training_stats(neonrvm_cache* cache, size_t* basis_count, bool* bias_used)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] cache: Contains intermediate variables and training results.
  • ⬆️ [out] basis_count: Value pointed to will be set to the number of useful basis functions. (Includes bias too if it was found useful)
  • ⬆️ [out] bias_used: Value pointed to will be set to true if bias was useful during training.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.
int neonrvm_get_training_results(neonrvm_cache* cache, size_t* index, double* mu)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] cache: Contains intermediate variables and training results.
  • ⬆️ [out] index: Vector with enough room for useful basis function indices. Last element contains SIZE_MAX if bias was found to be useful.
  • ⬆️ [out] mu: Vector with enough room for useful basis function weights. Last element contains bias weight, if bias was found to be useful.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.

🐍 Python

A single function call is enough:

def get_training_results(cache: Cache)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] cache: Contains intermediate variables and training results.

⬅️ Returns

  • index: numpy.ndarray: Vector of useful basis function indices. Last element contains SIZE_MAX if bias was found to be useful.
  • mu: numpy.ndarray: Vector of useful basis function weights. Last element contains bias weight, if bias was found to be useful.
  • basis_count: int: Number of useful basis functions. (Includes bias too if it was found useful)
  • bias_used: bool: Whether bias was useful during training.

Making predictions

Now that you have the indices and weights of the useful data in hand, you can make predictions. In order to make prediction with new input data and unknown outcomes, you should create a new design matrix like what was discussed in Step 1, but this time getting populated with closeness and similarities between new input data, and useful data which we found their indices previously.

If bias was found useful during training process, you need to manually append a column of 1.0 to your new matrix. The new matrix should have row count equal to the number of new input data samples, and column count equal to the number of useful basis functions.

Predictions are simply made by multiplying the result matrix and weights vector. Output vector contains the prediction outcomes, with a length equal to the number of new input data samples.

🚀 C/C++

You can use the neonrvm_predict function to make predictions.

int neonrvm_predict(double* phi, double* mu,
                    size_t sample_count, size_t basis_count, double* y)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] phi: Column major matrix, with row count equivalent to the sample_count, and column count equivalent to the basis_count.
  • ⬇️ [in] mu: Vector of associated basis function weights, with number of elements equal to the basis_count.
  • ⬇️ [in] sample_count: Number of input data samples with unknown outcomes.
  • ⬇️ [in] basis_count: Number of useful basis functions.
  • ⬆️ [out] y: Vector of predictions made for input data with unknown outcomes, with enough room and number of elements equal to the sample_count.

⬅️ Returns

  • NEONRVM_SUCCESS: After successful execution.
  • NEONRVM_INVALID_Px: When facing erroneous parameters.
  • NEONRVM_MATH_ERROR: When NaN or numbers show up in the calculations.

🐍 Python

Number of phi columns and mu length should match.

def predict(phi: np.ndarray, mu: np.ndarray)

➡️ Parameters

  • ⬇️ [in] phi: Column major matrix, with row count equivalent to the sample_count, and column count equivalent to the basis_count.
  • ⬇️ [in] mu: Vector of associated basis function weights, with number of elements equal to the basis_count.

⬅️ Returns

  • y: numpy.ndarray: Vector of predictions made for input data with unknown outcomes, with number of elements equal to the sample_count.


Future work

  • Investigate methods to make learning process numerically more stable
  • Implement classification
  • Create higher level wrappers and programming language bindings
  • Improve documentation


  • Tipping, M. E. (2001). Sparse Bayesian learning and the relevance vector machine. Journal of machine learning research, 1(Jun), 211-244.
  • Ben-Shimon, D., & Shmilovici, A. (2006). Accelerating the relevance vector machine via data partitioning. Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 31(1), 27-42.